Stay At Home Mom

     This week we discussed a lot about finances in a marriage and relationship and I wanted to focus on mothers who are able to stay in the home. Growing up I was lucky enough to have my mom at home with us. My mom did have a few jobs here and there growing up but for the most part she was able to stay at home with us. There is nothing wrong with families that grow up going to day care or having a nanny but there is a big difference in a positive way when a mother can be home with her children raising them. I have so much respect for moms who stay home and raise their kids especially in our society who make it seem like its not a worthy thing to do. I also have a ton of respect for mothers who do have to work. Who cant afford to stay home and need the income. I have a friend whose mom wasn't able to stay home for some of his childhood. He says he is so thankful for his mom and for the sacrifices she made to help bring in extra income and to have a career but he also said they often wished their mom didn't have to go to work and could stay home with them. Its a lot of work for a mom to get up, get the kids off to school, go to work, come back and make dinner, clean, and so much more before their day is done. Being a mom is a full time job and being able to stay home is such a great blessing for your kids in their lives. It can be a sacrifice to stay home and not pursue a career but that doesn't mean to give up on dreams, goals, and achievements altogether. For someone like me my goals, dreams, and achievements are to be a stay at home mom. I want to be able to stay home and raise my kids. I want to be there for them as much as possible. If me and my husband are needing extra income I will work when needed and have plans in place to be able to work from home. For me working from home will consist of an in-home salon. I have always wanted to be able to stay home so I started young in a plan to be able to work from home if need be. Doing hair I will be able to make my own schedule and bring in my own clients right to my house. This will allow  me to be home with my children and make extra money to help support our family and maybe take stress off of my husband. Dads make such a great sacrifice to provide for families and its so important not to take that for granted. One thing I think is very important in a relationship is before you have kids for both spouses to be working to help provide together and hopefully be able to save. There should not be any expectations of a wife to not help provide before their are children. I believe both should work and plan together to create a budget and a savings plan to prepare for kids to come and to prepare for the wife to stay at home with the children. Working together will help create a bond of working hard to create better lives together. Having good communication and planning together is so important. As fathers provide for their families and mothers dedicate their time to care for and nurture their kids, a family will be able to work together to create amazing lives together. 
