Unpopular Opinion: Long Distance Is Good

 My unpopular opinion is that long distance can be good for a couple who are dating. Now to clarify I don't think solely long distance relationships are good but I do think there are a lot of benefits to having some distance.  There are so many young couples who start dating and are going after lust when they think its love. Their relationships are based on physical touch and attraction. A lot of these couples tend to get married quick and down the road realize they don't really know who they married. Having good quality time is what helps you to really get to know and love someone you are dating. Even in long distant relationships you can create quality time together without physically being together. In my relationship I had a lot of good experiences which brought me and my fiancé closer together. That's not to say it was easy but I think it was good for us in the long run. My fiancé and I met at college and dated for 3 month before I went home for the spring and summer. He stayed at school and we were apart for just short of 6 months. The distance was very hard and there were times it felt like it would never end. However, it helped us to get to know each other in a way we hadn't before. We went from spending most of our time together in person to talking on the phone when ever we could. Facetime was also a life saver and let us see each other in a way and helped us to feel more connected. Not having physical touch helped us to talk more and find that we really loved each others company and being with each other. We talked for hours and hours everyday. We talked about our days, asked questions, and laughed a lot. We also still planned dates but they were all online! He would door dash me some food and I door dashed him some cookies and we would watch movies together on share play. We also came up with different games we could play together that involved music, questions, or even the texting games on Iphones. This helped us to have fun with each other even across the country from each other. Once we were back together in person it just grew our love together. The distance really helped us grow closer together and we were better than ever before. Now with that said, we don't want to be apart again and we don't plan on it! Haha. Wherever we go we plan on doing it together. We learned that we really are best friends but nothing beats being back together. I am so grateful for my fiancé and I am grateful we had time apart to grow and strengthen our relationship and love. Now this isn't to say that every relationship needs long distance. We never planned on having to do long distance for so long but we made the best of our situations and grew closer together because of it. There a lot of other ways you can get to know someone being in person too. Going on a road trip is a great way to get to know someone better. It gives you time in the car to talk and play games without the opportunity to be "all over each other" Haha. In all seriousness long car drives were some of my favorite first dates we went on because we got to talk, make up games, or play our favorite songs for each other. Relationships are all about getting to know and love someone for who they are and having light hearted fun with them. For anyone in a relationship I would say to create opportunities to have good talks with each other and learn more about the person you love or are falling in love with. 
