Stages Of A Relationship





This week we are talking about the stages of dating. There are a lot of different stages in dating. The first time you hold hands, the first time you kiss, and the first time you say I love you. These are all big stages you go through in the dating process. While you are in the dating stage there should be a lot of fun time. There should be dates, lots of fun conversations, and a feeling of wanting to be with each other. This stage will probably have the most nerves and possibly some feelings of uncertainty but it should also be the least stressful and care free fun. There should be inexpensive dates that allow you to talk and get to know each other. After several dates you should then get a conclusion together to move on to the next stage together. This stage is courtship. Courting someone means you are getting to know someone and spending time with them in the idea that marriage will come in the future. In this stage you are committed to each other and stop talking to any other potentials you might have had. You should spend more quality time together and work together to get to know each other deeper and learn how to love each other. As you continue in the courtship stage it will then lead you and your significant other to the next big stage of engagement. Engagement is a big step and both of you should be on the same page leading to marriage. Being engaged means there is a lot to plan for the future so its important to work together and plan the wedding, reception, future living, future schooling, and future jobs. You outlook changes from what just you wanted for the future to what you both want to create together in your family. This is also a great stage to talk about what your future family might look like. How many kids you want and how you would like to raise them. Your religious beliefs and how you want to implement that in your home. How you want to save and spend money. These are all big things that need to be talked about before marriage so you can be on the same page together. The last and biggest stage is marriage. Now I have done all of the other previous stages in my life but marriage is the one stage I haven't gotten to yet. Me and my fiancé are getting married later this year and are in the middle of planning our wedding. I am so excited to get married to him. I know that it is a huge step and we will need to continue to work together to create our home. I know that sometimes it will be hard and we will have trials in our life but I also know that marriage is something so important and can bring so much happiness to your life. All of the time you spend in the earlier stages help prepare you for your marriage and relationship. There are also things you cant really prepare for but the different ways you create how you communicate and how you deal with hard things will help you in your marriage and in your family. There are so many amazing things that come with having a family and working together to create a family and home. I am so excited to work together with my fiancé and create an amazing life together. There are a lot of things we still need to plan and get ready for our life after marriage but I couldn't be more excited. To know that you are committed to one person and they are equally committed to you is a really comforting and amazing feeling. To have someone that knows and understands you and loves you is the best feeling. 
